Catholics recount the 'Hail Mary' many times over throughout a day. So who is she and why is she appealed to more than God? This was not something expected by me when the Spirit charged me to "tear down the mass of holy places, go out to the general population, and bring back the youthful." Nor was it a player in my examination when the Spirit demonstrated to me the character of 666 in a dream that sent me to University to study paleontology, humanities, and phonetics, to demonstrate the dreams.
They are all entwined, notwithstanding, as the Spirit uncovered that Constantine is 666 and that he set up the Roman Catholic Church in 325 AD taking into account Islamic standards. To demonstrate that it sent me back to Babylon and to the first ever formal religion.
The city was the home of the Amors. They were a severe, brutal, and creature like individuals who struck; stole; subjugated; killed (rather butchered); and assumed control whole countries all through the Mesopotamia and Mediterranean locales. They constructed their next capital in Italy and called it Roma, converse of Amor.

Constantine was an immediate relative and he had all the same qualities. He killed his approach to sole guideline over the domain before he made his religion. As an Islamist he construct it in light of his own convictions and displayed it on that of Babylon. Mary was the Mother's name God and the sun. The name signifies 'mother's intense eye'.
"Also, upon her brow was a name composed, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." Revelation 17:5
There can be doubtlessly about the subject of this quote when it is qualified in different entries:
"Also, the lady was displayed in purple and red shading, and decked with gold and valuable stones and pearls, having a brilliant glass in her handfull of detestations and squalor of her sex." Revelation 17:4
The purple alludes to the ruler who dependably wore purple as an indication of his energy. The red shading is that well used by his religious administrators. Statues of Mary are decked out as portrayed and the brilliant glass is that of the fellowship. The challis holds the bread and wine of fellowship.
The way that individuals trust they are expending the body and blood of a human penance is barbarianism. Compared over that is commitment to the false god which is a horrifying presence to the Spirit. Indoctrinated into taking so as to trust that this into their bodies they will be loaded with the Spirit of God is a more terrible cursed thing.
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