Mina is an appealing young lady attempting to accommodate her legacy with her cravings. Conceived in Norway to a Pakistani family, Mina declines to live by a conventional set of principles. Not just is she a separated, single parent, she tries to be an on-screen character. Mina additionally seeks after associations with the inverse sex. When she takes her child, Felix, on an outing to Stockholm to stay with her beau, Jesper, there are not kidding repercussions. Her family is disgraced by the Pakistani group and Mina's guardians restrict her from entering their home. At the point when Jesper rejects her, too, Mina contacts her limit.
The author and chief of "I Am Yours" is Iram Haq. Haq was conceived in Norway, of Pakistani folks, and filled in as a performer. The story she tells in her first element film unquestionably contains personal components. Haq was not able to discover a Pakistani performer willing to depict Mina. The performer she cast, Amrita Acharia, is of Nepalese and Ukrainian plummet. She does physically take after Haq, then again. Acharia passes on the required helplessness and unyielding quality of a young lady got between the requests of two unique societies.
The story unravels in the urban areas of Oslo and Stockholm, yet Haq does not accentuate the one of a kind elements of these urban communities. The film is shot utilizing essentially inside scenes. At the point when Mina is captured strolling alone on the city lanes, she could be anyplace. Despite the fact that the character has a certain foundation, Mina's journey for autonomy has a general request.
The DVD bundling for "I Am Yours" is fairly beguiling. The intro page is a representation of Amrita Acharia with the slogan "Her just yearning is adoration". The back spread is a collection of the cheerful minutes Mina offers with Felix and Jesper amid the film. This gives the feeling that "I Am Yours" is a run of the mill sentimental show with the courageous woman triumphing over the obstructions put in her way. What the film really portrays is a character progressively disconnected and lost, persistently looking for a thoughtful human association.
"I Am Yours" is not appraised, but rather would likely get a R rating from the MPAA. Viewers touchy to such issues as nakedness and sexuality ought to be attentive. The film is in Norwegian, Urdu, and Swedish with subtitles. I watched it on DVD, which was discharged in the US in 2014, at my own particular cost.
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